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NAĎA KONVALINKOVÁ (actress; Czechia)

Guest appearance: Saturday 21. October 2023

Nada Konvalinková is a Czech actress, voice actress, and presenter. She first became involved in theater while studying at the Jan Neruda Gymnasium on Hellichova Street in Prague. She then prepared for the entrance exams at DAMU (Academy of Performing Arts) at a folk arts school. After graduating from DAMU, she initially worked at the J. K. Tyl Theater in Plzeň (1973–1976) and later moved to the Municipal Theaters in Prague (1976–1994).

In the beginning, she mostly played young ingenues and simple girls. One of Nada Konvalinková's most famous film roles is the character Květuška in the movie ADÉLA JEŠTĚ NEVEČEŘELA. As she grew older, she gradually transitioned into roles of mature women and kind and wise mothers (NESMRTELNÁ TETA, LOTRANDO A ZUBEJDA, etc.).

Currently, she makes guest appearances in Prague theaters such as Kalich, Broadway, U Hasičů, Viola, U Valšů, and Branické Theater.

She has also provided voices for several children's programs and works as a presenter for children's television shows, being among the successful voice actresses.