One of the most successful Czech fantasy authors
He will not be absent from this year's Comic-Con Junior and Knihy Brno. After all, for many years he has led the Book Line, Avalcon, etc. program lines dedicated to book fiction at Comic-Cons, Festivals Fantazie, PragoFFests...
Jan Kotouč is a well-known writer of military science fiction and alternative history. He holds a master's degree in communication and mass media. He started his literary career on He has written two dozen novels in the series Sector Hirano, Central Empire and Czech Lands. He has also contributed to the JFK series. Some of his books have also been published in English.
He has won awards such as the Karel Capek Award for his novel Příliš blízká setkání, the Book of the Year Award in the Aeronautilus poll, and the Encouragement Award from the European Science Fiction Society.