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Wonderful opportunity to meet film stars, comic legends, and other guests.

Get an unforgettable experience at the talk, a special photo with your favourite and a rare autograph. Show off on Instagram and FB.
The listed guests have already confirmed their participation. Details on talks, photos and signings below.


Comic creators




Other guests

Word Details

Each guest's presence at Comic-Con Junior is listed. Changes to guest attendance are subject to change. Guest talks are included in the Comic-Con Junior ticket price.

  • VIP ticket holders have priority access to halls E1, E2 and E4 and reserved seats in the front rows. If they do not occupy their reserved seats no later than 5 minutes before the start of the show, they lose their entitlement.
  • Participants are obliged to follow the organisers' instructions regarding entering the hall, any transfers, leaving the halls, photography and filming, etc.
  • Speeches in a foreign language are simultaneously interpreted into headphones in the E1 and E4 halls, it is necessary to collect the headphones in advance (for a fee) and hand them over to the organisers when leaving the hall.
  • Speeches in a foreign language are interpreted on stage or uninterpreted in Hall E2.
  • Flash photography and video and audio recording is only allowed from the seating area and 5 minutes after the start and 5 minutes before the end of each show to avoid disturbing the show. Failure to comply with these conditions will result in a warning or termination of participation in the show or even the entire con.
  • All guests have the right to cancel their participation at any time due to job offers, illness or personal reasons, even at short notice before the festival. Attendees are not entitled to a refund of tickets incl. VIP tickets in case of cancellation of the guest's participation.

Details about meetings, photos and signings

Advance online or on-site purchases can be made

  • 20-25 minute backstage meet and greet
  • .
  • a large collaborative pro photo with a guest in both paper and digital form
  • a large photo of the guest (civilian, from a movie, show or play) to sign
  • autograph-signature of the guest on a joint photo or photo of the guest, possibly with a dedication
  • a large signed photograph of the guest
  • All tickets and VIP tickets can be ordered in advance through Ticketstream, and meet-and-greets, photos and autographs can be ordered through the Comic-Con Junior e-store.
  • If the total number is sold out before the festival, unfortunately, tickets, meet and greets, photos and autographs cannot be purchased at a later date.
  • If they are not sold out, tickets can be purchased at Ticketstream and meet-and-greets, photos and autographs can be purchased at the Comic-Con Junior booth in the photo area.
  • All prices listed are approximate, with prices determined by the Comic-Con Junior e-store and Ticketstream and on-site sales.
  • The organizer reserves the right to change prices at any time (which does not affect previously purchased prices).
  • In the event that a guest postpones their participation to the next edition or cancels completely, an email will be sent out asking for a bank account number to be sent for a refund for the meeting, photos and autographs. If the participant does not send a valid bank account number within 14 days of the request, they will lose their right to a refund. The refund will be made within three weeks of the request.

Meeting organization, photography and signing

  • Attendees will select a meeting, photo shoot or signing time approximately one week prior in the Comic-Con Junior e-store or on-site.
  • Meet and greet is with a moderator who can also interpret, lasts 20-25 minutes, 1-4 attendees, selfie, signing, refreshments.
  • The guest will receive a 20x30 cm photo with the photographer immediately after leaving the venue.
  • One voucher = one photo for one to two people at a time.
  • A space in the main backstage area is reserved for meeting the guest, with refreshments. Four participants will meet the guest for approximately 25 minutes. The meeting is moderated and interpreted as needed.
  • There will be a designated area on the 2nd floor of Hall E, behind Hall E1, for guest photo sessions and signings. There will be one meeting, one or two half-hour photo sessions, and several half-hour signings each day of guest participation.
  • At the Comic-Con Junior e-store approximately one week prior to or on-site at the Comic-Con Junior booth, attendees will select a time range (1 specific half-hour) from the available times in which they would like to obtain a pre-purchased (online or on-site) photo with or autograph or meet the guest. He or she will not have to stand in hour-long lines.
  • If the participant does not select any or misses the selected time range, he/she will forfeit the right to obtain the meeting, photo or signature and will not be eligible for a refund. Organizers in the Comic-Con Junior photo & signing area will still try to find a solution if one exists.
  • If the meet, greet, photo and signing is delayed for any reason, the attendee will wait their turn.
  • One voucher purchased can get one photo for one to two people. Multiple vouchers must be purchased for group photos.
  • Players will only provide selfie photos at the meet and greet, so we do not offer them for sale at all, not just to save time. One autograph is included with the meet and greet.
  • A professionally printed 20x30 cm photo and envelope will be given to the participant immediately after leaving the photo area.
  • Participant is entitled to a new photograph if the photograph is of very poor technical quality (very blurry, very overexposed or dark, not capturing the head and most of the body, etc.). Participant is not entitled to a new photograph if he/she does not like the photograph or if the technical quality of the photograph is at least good.
  • A digital version of the photo can be obtained by downloading it from the Comic-Con Junior website/e-shop approximately one month after the festival, using the code provided on the original photo.
  • The guest is entitled to refuse a photo in an inappropriate position or to sign an inappropriate item at his/her discretion.
  • The participant is obliged to follow the instructions of the organizers, not to delay, not to bother the guests.
  • This organizational information is subject to change at any time, including on the spot, according to the needs of the organizers in order to ensure the smooth running of the photography and signing.